Daily painting habit
It became clear early on I needed structures and a clear plan if I was going to continue to paint daily. I had underestimated the mind effort needed to make all the decisions required before picking up a brush. I also knew this was not a strength of mine, it was something I needed to learn.
I joined in the #20for20artchallenge2023 hosted by Kelly www.learntopaintpodcast.com to kickstart the process, this way I knew I had someone to guide me and I had a supportive group of painters looking to do the same.
The hashtag challenge provided my initial framework and practical setup, which felt exciting and doable. I could tweak these to fit in with my life and circumstances. Decisions like canvas size, paint colours, brushes, and subject matter had to be made in advance. I set the bar low so there were no excuses for me. Everything had to be ready before I started. There has been a nice freedom in this, allowing me to get straight to the process without my overthinking mind switched on yet.